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I used to watch cartoons, one episode at a time, and I felt very exaggerated. There are so many things in life. Later, I realized that the performance was not exaggerated at all. Every day in my life was full of all kinds of things, big and small, annoying and interesting, which made me almost unconscious. I wish you no broken things in your life.

2、與女孩相識了5年,有幸守得女孩123天,於2020年10月13日 將女孩歸還人海。此後不再糾纏女孩,縱使千萬思念也不再重蹈覆轍。 也不會忘了與女孩的一切。希望女孩此後遇到更好的男孩,為人體貼愛你如命對不起,我還愛你。

I have known the girl for 5 years, and I was lucky enough to keep the girl for 123 days. On October 13, 2020, I returned the girl to the crowd. After that, I won't pester girls, even if I miss them, I won't repeat the same mistakes. I won't forget everything with girls. I hope the girl will meet a better boy and be considerate and love you like life. Sorry, I still love you.



After calming down, I finally figured out that you never loved me at all, but I thought I was alone. When I loved you, you were covered in light, and I didn't love you. I found that you were so ordinary that I wouldn't even look at it.


Unconsciously, I am used to being alone, afraid to love again, and I don't know if I will love again. I just want to find someone who can chat with me every day, play games with me, and share my daily life with me.


We were together quickly, and the time we spent together made me realize that I was wrong. Everyone should think about what they want and get it, instead of looking for someone to accompany them in a temporary mood. Although I have done and paid for everything I should do, it is false to give you a good feeling on the surface. I couldn't get through myself, and finally I opened my mouth to separate. I don't ask you to forgive me. Blame all the bad things on me. It's good that you feel better. This is my sin.


I don't regret it. I lost you and got alcohol and cigarettes. They are better than you except that they can't talk. At least the cigarettes will linger around me. Listen to me. And you won't


This society will always teach you to become MoMo and learn to forgive, not to forgive, but to forgive because things or people are meaningless! Fortunately, my parents and one or two friends are always around, which may be a gift after I choose to forgive!


That day, in the playground, I cried like a child and felt like I was going to cry. Now think about it, in fact, I will do it again. He said, I have come out, why haven't you come out yet? It's so painful, anyway, it's so familiar, it's nothing to lose face, it's all youth.


Only when I miss you late at night, recall the days when we were together, and when I pass by the places where we walked, I wonder how good we are now together. Unfortunately, I didn't cherish you well at that time.


Wait, wait, at least until I have attended your wedding. I always want to know what kind of girls have won me, won the winter in Inner Mongolia, won the wind there for more than two hours in the middle of the night, won the mountain in Dazhou, won the bouquet of flowers on the other side, won the distance of more than 1000 kilometers, won seven years, won my happiness and won the principle of protecting me. I want to see these things with my own eyes.


2024-02-15 11:02:26


2024-01-17 13:01:33



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